Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations
The following is broken down by Division and calendar year and includes proposals by the Department to adopt, amend or repeal regulations. If the proposal was adopted a link is included to the Final Regulation and, if available, a Concise Explanatory Statement is included. The Concise Explanatory Statement is issued by the Department pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 42-35-2.3 and identifies the reasons for adopting the rule and a description of any differences between the text of the rule adopted as adopted, other than editing changes, stating the reasons for change.
Board of Accountancy
Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations BOA
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Boards of Design Professionals
Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations BDP
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Central Management
Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations CM
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Commercial Licensing and Regulation
Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations Commercial
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Insurance Regulation
Gaming and Athletics
2017 Proposals
Securities Regulation
Adopted, Repealed and Amended Regulations Securities
PDF file, less than 1megabytes