RIBridges Alert If you may be impacted by the RIBridges data breach, take 5 important steps to protect your personal information today. Please follow this link to find out how to protect your personal information.
Residential Solar Energy Disclosure and Homeowners Bill of Rights Act, 2024 P.L. Ch. 67 & 68 Pursuant to the recently-enacted Residential Solar Energy Disclosure and Homeowners Bill of Rights Act, 2024 P.L. Ch. 67 & 68, the Department of Business Regulation will begin licensing retailers, sales representatives, and other entities involved with the sale or lease of residential solar energy systems on March 1, 2025. The Department is currently preparing regulations and guidance necessary to implement the provisions of this Act. If you have any questions or complaints relating to the regulation of solar retailers, please email the Department at DBR.Solar@dbr.ri.gov. Stay tuned for further updates.
Auto Body Technician Certification For a comprehensive PDF of this page, please click here. Approved minimum requirements for the certification of motor vehicle body repair technicians pursuant to Section 2.12 of Regulation 230-RICR-30-05-2. All certifications must be maintained and current throughout the term of the license. Expired certificates will not qualify for licensing. Transcripts are required for ASE and I-Car credit. Approved Class List — Updated 12/19/2024 Section 1 -- Identification and Analysis of Damage to Vehicles I-Car Structural Damage Analysis -- Structures; and Damage Analysis of Full-Frame Vehicles; and Electric Vehicle (EV) Damage Analysis; and Electric Vehicle (EV) Initial Inspection and Handling ASE Test B6; and Test L3 P&L Consultants Collision Damage Repair & Estimating CTI Structural Damage Analysis; Unibody Analysis & Repair Planning NE Collision Equip. Car-O-Liner Academy Vision 2 – Measuring System Training Section 2 -- Frame Measuring and Straightening Systems and Techniques I-Car Full-Frame/Unitized Structure Pulling Overview; and Introduction to Three-Dimensional Measuring ASE Test B4 P & L Consultants Structural Measuring and Realignment CTI Structural Damage Analysis; Computerized Measuring Training NE Collision Equip. Car-O-Liner Academy Vision 2 – Measuring System Training Section 3 -- Welding in Collision Repair I-Car Steel GMA Welding Theory; or Training and Certification: Steel GMA Welding (Hands-On -- Preferred) ASE Test B3; and Test B4 Collision Tools Inc. ("CTI") Hands-On Welding P & L Consultants Collision Repair: OEM Weld Validation (Hands-On -- Preferred) Lombard Equipment Pro Spot Resistance Spot Welding & Mig Steel Welding Course (Hands-On -- Preferred) Section 4 -- Structural Repairs I-Car Advanced High-Strength Steel; and Sectioning Overview ASE Test B4 P & L Consultants Contemporary Materials & Substrates Section 5 -- Suspension, Steering, and Alignment Systems I-Car Suspension Systems Operation and Damage Analysis; and Steering System Operations, Damage Analysis, and Service; and Brake System Electronics Operation and Damage Analysis ASE Test A4; or Test B5 P & L Consultants Steering and Suspension Systems CTI Advanced Steering & Suspension Analysis Section 6 -- Safety Restraint Systems I-Car Restraint System Overview or Damage Analysis of Restraint Systems; and Requirement and Consideration for Achieving Accurate ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems) ASE Test B5; and Test L4 P & L Consultants Supplementary Restraint Systems Section 7 -- Corrosion Protection I-Car Corrosion Protection SEM Automotive Corrosion Protection 3M Seam Sealers and Corrosion Protection P & L Consultants Corrosion Protection and Rustproofing ASE Test B2 I-Car Courses no longer on the approved class list (expire Jan. 2025) The following courses have been removed from the list and will no longer qualify for licensure as of January 2025: Section I: DAM12, DAM12E, DAM08, DAM08E, BLU01 Section II: MEA01, DAM12E Section III: WCS03, WCS06E, SPS05 Section IV: SPS07, SPS09, SPS10, SPS11, SSS01 Section V: DAM06, DAM15, STE02, STE03, STE03E Section VI: DAM11, DAM11E, RES01, RES02 Section VII: CPS01 Links to Websites of Approved Course/Test Providers I-Car – https://www.i-car.com/ ASE – https://www.ase.com/Home.aspx P & L Consultants – http://www.pnlestimology.com/ Lombard Equipment – http://lombardequipment.com/ **SEM Repair & Refinishing Products – https://www.semproducts.com/ **3M – http://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/collision-repair-us/ **Car-O-Liner - http://www.car-o-liner-us.com/ **Chief University Collision Repair School - http://www.chiefautomotive.com/Chief-University/ ** I-Car approves courses from SEM, 3M, Car-O-Liner and Chief University. If a course from one of these schools is I-Car approved, it may be eligible to satisfy the technician certification categories. “CTI” is Collision Tools Inc. which offers Chief Automotive Technologies classes “NE Collision Equip.” is New England Collision Equipment, Inc., which offers Car-O-Liner Academy Classes. These are only minimum requirements. Any other classes, courses, or training taken from any school, OEM, or equipment manufacturer should be submitted for approval. When signing up for classes, make sure to consult the most current list from the Department.